Japanese Businessman Wants To Sell Childlike Sex Dolls To Help Pedophiles

Shin Takagi is the organizer of Trottla, a Japanese organization that specialises in sex dolls. 10 years prior the organization started offering “tyke model” sex dolls in what it called a push to help pedophiles manage their sexual desires.

Addressing The Atlantic recently, Takagi admitted he was a pedophile – an announcement he now denies.


“Through speaking with the clients, I’ve understood the likelihood of helping pedophiles and adding to the general public,” he said.

Takagi additionally said more than 70% of his clients are pedophiles.

“I profoundly comprehend the inclination folks have. However, individuals can be so brutal to others keeping in mind the end goal to secure the ones that they cherish and treasure. A considerable measure of the general population who are called pedophiles are not beasts. They are great nationals with dutifulness. That is the more reason they maintain the laws and control themselves as a general rule. To control their wishes, they utilize the dolls I make.”
